milana:: style

This is a small "trailer"  for our new line of urban cyclist clothing- milana::
David Barrionuevo is a passionate Spanish cyclist who came from Madrid to Beijing by bike in 2008, cycling for almost 5 months and passing through 9 countries on the way. He came to see the Olympics but after that he decided to stay, and currently lives and works in Beijing. His biking experience goes back from when he started shorter trips in Europe, but now he has done more journeys in Asia as well. He also worked for a pro-cycling team going with them to competitions in China. Apart from long-distance bike travels and road bike races, David enjoys a lot cycling in the city, and he newly created a urban cyclist brand: milana::, which is named after his own bike. For the love of bikes.  milana:: is a urban cycling brand founded with the aim to provide urban riders comfortable and sustainable clothing and accessories. The milana:: t-shirt pockets are made with reclaimed, left-over bits and pieces of cloths and buttons from clothing factories in Madrid, giving them a "fashionable" new life. So each t-shirt is quasi unique as the colors and patterns rarely repeat. Recycle while you cycle. With the huge back pockets, you can carry home keys, mobile phones, wallets, books, bananas so on and so forth. This will save you from carrying backpacks on your back and leaving a big sweat mark. So just ride with me! coming soon::!

  这是我们新都市骑行者服装系列-milana:: 的小“预告片” 大卫是一名热衷于自行车运动的西班牙人,他在2008年从马德里骑车来到了北京;历时近5个月,穿越9个国家。他当时是来看奥运会的,但是之后便准备留在这里,现在他生活和工作于北京。他的骑行经历始于他更早的在欧洲的一些短途旅行,但是现在他在亚洲也去过了不少地方。他也曾经为一支专业车队工作过,跟随他们到中国各地比赛。但是除了长途自行车旅行和公路自行车比赛,大卫非常享受在城市中骑行,所以他最近创立了一个都市骑行者品牌:milana::,以他自己自行车名字而命名。 对自行车的爱。 milana::是一个都市骑行品牌,旨在为都市其行者提供舒适而环保的服装和配饰。 milana::T恤的大兜是由从马德里服装场搜集的边角料和剩余扣子而制成,让它们“重获新生”。每件衣服都几乎是独一无二的,因为搭配的颜色和图案基本没有重复。让骑行更加环保和时尚。衣服的大兜可以家门钥匙,手机钱包,书本,香蕉等等。把自己从斜挎包和双肩背的束缚中解脱出来,也避免后背出现大片汗湿的窘境。 穿着一起来骑吧! 敬请期待!  

One thought on “milana:: style

  • marzo 25, 2015 at 12:53 am

    It was a very nice day! we enjoyed a lot. Thank you very much

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